Consumer Corner

NECA - the National Electrical and Communications Association, is the peak industry body representing the interests of the electrical and communications contracting industry across Australia. We have close to 5,000 member organisations and our members employ around 100,000 people.

We’re here to help our members and you connect, share information about electrical and communications needs in your home.

In this Section

  • Make it easier for you to find a licensed electrician or registered cabler
  • Provide you with some help and advice about purchasing and using only those electrical products that meet Australian standards
  • Alerts concerning electrical products, or cables, such as Infinity Cables, that must be checked and/or replaced in your home
  • Point you in the direction of other useful sources of information


As the Peak Employer Body representing the electrical and communications industry we want to keep you informed, so please click here and let us know if you have any questions or if you would like to see more information added to the website. 

Contact Us
NECA Member Services
T: 1300 361 099